Projected transactions: track your expenses and income

Your estimated income and expenses, placed into a calendar for the following months.

Detailed information to track your usual expenses and income.

  • Your upcoming banking transactions at a glance. 
  • You can plan your payments easily. 
  • Your expenses and income under control. 

What are Projected transactions in your bank account?

  • You can see your projected banking movements for the coming months at a glance, so you can track them better and view them in a way that's comfortable and accessible.

    Get an estimate of your income and expenses for the next two months, so that you can know what day you will receive a bill, and what the difference will be between your income and expenses during the month. You can even export them to your personal calendar.

    See your projected banking transactions at, or through the BBVA app, and start managing your day-to-day operations in a simpler way.

    See video on anticipating bank expenses.

Your bank on your smartphone with the BBVA app

Did you know that you don't need to be a customer to manage your spending from the BBVA app?

All you need to do is create your username. You can connect all your banks and manage your spending in one spot. You can also enjoy many other features, such as Home Appraisal and our calculators. Try it now for free!

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