Discretionary overdraft service

  • Example to better understand associated costs

    María receives her salary on the 30th day of each month. However, this month it is paid 11 days late. On the 30th, the phone and electric bills arrive, which total €150, but she doesn't have sufficient funds in her account to pay them. 

    María has an unauthorized overdraft limit of €600. This means that her bills are automatically paid and that her account enters an unauthorized overdraft of €150. At the end of the day, she receives an alert informing her that she has entered an unauthorized overdraft. For the €150 tacit overdraft for 11 days, María will pay €5.54 in overdraft fees and debit interest. 

    If the account does not have an unauthorized overdraft limit, or has exceeded the limit, she will also pay a €2 fee each time an amount is deposited from her account.